Email Copywriter for Holistic Health Brands

Irresistible emails that capture click-throughs, enhance engagement, and send sales soaring…

“This is by far the fastest funnel with epic copy I’ve seen built to date.”


Brian Kelly, Co-Founder, YogiLab

Holistic health brands have it tough.


Whether you coach people 1:1, sell digital products and trainings, or focus on e-commerce… 


You’re dedicated to creating products and services that help people. 


But when it comes to marketing your services, you struggle to: 


  • Align your marketing with your values,
  • Know what to say, how to say it, or how often,
  • Connect authentically with the people who need your products and services.


The world is in crisis.  


People are buckling under the burden of stress. Traditional healthcare, with its curative model, no longer works. And people need more than mindset training to thrive. 


As a holistic wellness expert, you have the knowledge, skills and insight to help others. 


It’s your responsibility to reach those people. 


To ensure they know about your products and services. 


So that they can live happier, healthier lives and contribute to a happier, healthier world. 

email copywriter for holistic health brands

How do I know?

Because I’m not just a specialist holistic health copywriter who’s helped dozens of holistic health brands…


I’m also a professional breathing coach and reiki therapist.


I have a deep respect for people and businesses who make it their purpose to help others. 


And I believe it’s my “conscious responsibility” to help make that happen. 


If this resonates with your needs….


…Book a discovery call, and let’s chat.

Hey! I’m Johanna.
I’m an email copywriter for holistic health and personal development brands.


 I’ve been writing professionally since 2008 and specializing in holistic wellness for about half a decade. 


And I help clients just like you to connect with customers, make sales, and build an abundant business. While staying true to your purpose. 

Here's How I Do It...

Emails That Connect with Your Customers

Imagine receiving a letter from someone you care about every day.


They have ideas that can help you. Stories you relate to. And they’re sharing everything they know. 


I like to think of every email I write as a love letter to your customer. 


This means:

💌 I focus on making your emails stand out in your customer’s inbox. So that, in a sea of daily messages, they look forward to receiving YOURS.


🔥 I fill every email with value. Want to include some of the latest science about your therapy or product? My journalistic training and experience ghostwriting wellness non-fiction means I’m adept at whittling down research to meaningful, conversational content. 


📩 I’ve studied with some of the top email marketing specialists. I know more about getting your email delivered than at least 90% of copywriters. 

🗣️ I work to unlock and match your brand voice… The way you talk about what you do… So that your emails sound like YOU. This is a vital to building trust with your customer, whether you have an ecommerce store, a digital product, or work 1:1 with clients. 

Emails That Stand Out... In a Good Way

In the course of my client research, I’ve signed up to literally hundreds of email lists. 


And I see the same problems over and over…


I’d go as far as to say, MOST holistic wellness brands have problems with their emails.


  • Emails that all sound the same: if nothing makes your email stand out, I’m less likely to open it. 
  • Emails with basic errors: “Hey, “firstname,” is not a compelling way to greet your customer!
  • Mailing lists that you sign up to but never receive an email.
  • Boring emails or emails that sell too much and never offer value… 
  • Emails that go to promo tab… or even spam… 


There is a better way to use email… 


One that works for your customer. And it works to build your business, your revenue, and your reputation.

Email marketing for wellness businesses

Prioritizing Deliverability

Think about it. If your emails don’t make it to your subscriber’s primary inbox… 


There’s a strong possibility your subscriber will never see the email. 


Open rates will decrease. Click-through rates will dwindle. And sales will shrivel. 


What’s worse, you’ll slip into a self-perpetuating loop that it’s hard to escape. 


People who want your products or services won’t see them. And the people you can help will stay stuck in their problems. 


Emails that go to promo tab or spam will:


❌ Damage your domain health:

The longer you ignore the problem, the worse it will get. Before long, all your emails will land in spam, or they may even disappear altogether. 


❌ Negatively impact your brand reputation:

Phishing messages trigger the sympathetic nervous system and crush subscriber trust. 


❌ Lose you a lot of money:

You can 1.5x your list size to estimate how much… For a list size of 14,000, that’s a potential $21,000 disappearing into the ether every month. Average ROI for email marketing is $36 for every $1 spent. How much money are YOU leaving on the table?


I use email best practices that help ensure your messages never land in spam. 


And if you’re already stuck in spam hell, I have a practiced method to get you out.

Interested? Here’s How to Work With Me.

I work long-term with businesses and personal brands, creating email copy for broadcast and automation emails. Here’s what I can do for you:


Monthly Retainer 

  • 28 emails per month, written and sent for you, to boost engagement and supercharge sales.
  • Plus, I’ll work to ensure your emails land in the primary inbox



Optimize the value of your list with:

  • Welcome sequences
  • Abandon cart sequences
  • Upsell sequences
  • Launch funnels… and more… 
  • PLUS, reduce spam complaints and turn “unsubscribers” into valued customers.


Build Your List 

Get my help to grow your email list to get your next 1,000 subscribers. 


Get Out Of Spam

I work with your list for as long as it takes to get you out of spam. 

Ready to see how email can support your holistic wellness business without undermining your values?

“I cannot recommend Johanna enough. She’s a fairy godmother for anyone looking to extract what they are trying to say and put it into words that are simple, cohesive, and evoke feeling. 
Johanna is super easy to work with, she’s kind, and seriously gifted. At the peak of my rebrand (and identity crisis), she was able to sift through my jumbled thoughts and capture the essence of what I was saying. She works fast but pays attention to detail. She was a god-send for me, and I can’t wait to work with her again!”

Stephanie Paver RD